Call for Seminar Paper 2023

International Academic Conference on Music


Call for Seminar 2023



International Center for Bengali Music (ICBM) has started its journey as a platform to enhance the clarity and popularity of Bengali Music amongst people all over the world who speaks Bengali as their language. To gain the utmost the ICBM is warmly working on its aims and objectives.

As a yearly activity ICBM (International Center for Bengali Music) will organize a seminar on ‘The Roll of Music in Social Harmony and Solidarity’ at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy auditorium late on January 2023.

As an expert in Music Education, The organizing committee of ICBM welcomes you to submit your research abstract as your application for participation in this seminar and to publish in `Roots of Music’ the first international peer-reviewed multilingual research journal on music in Bangladesh (ISSN:2708-7689).

This conference will be an excellent opportunity to connect with other experts in your field and make a meaningful contribution to the advancement of Music as an equalizer of our social life and its impact on solidarity.


Dates to remember:

Submission deadline: December 25, 2022

Decision date: January 01, 2023


Submission guidelines:

Please submit your abstract to

  • Papers Presentation- Not more than 2000-2500 words
  • Abstracts – Approximately 300 words

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this process.

To know more about our activities, please visit